For this A/W seasons’ hair we are spoiled for choice. Hair is done in different textures from heavily teased to beautifully windswept waves to neat and sleek, but all seemingly very natural and effortless. Wear a choice of heavy fringes, twists, low ponytails, ballerina buns, boho waves and exaggerated side-partings.

The firm favourite top bun is still around
just much neater and sleeker
Ballerina bun
Dishevelled voluminious bobs
Low low ponytails

Low ponytails

Choppy Crop
Don’t want to chop the crop- Fake it!
All natural windswept
Natural Pulled back low ponytail
Roll over ponytail
Flat iron multi-plaits for Boho Waves
Boho Waves
Wind swept
Equestrian Ponytail
High equestrian ponytail


Over exaggerated side parting
Pretty Headgear
A touch of vintage please
Heavy fringe
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